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2 Roses to shows that you are deeply in love with them! While Carnations represent admiration, deep love, and affection. This beautiful bouquet are using 2023 colour of the year: Viva Magenta, with the contrast of black colour, it's very unique design among the flower bouquet. This is perfect to let your feelings known to the person you admire know that your deeply in love with. Also, perfect for and to any BlackPink Fans!


Our Everlasting Bouquet perfect for long-lasting, beautiful natural bouquets for all occasion. Last picture shows the size of bouquet when holding it.


*Please remember fill up your billing address information on payment page, so we can contact you if the flowers is not available.

Black Pink Bouquet

  • Preserved flowers can last for a year or even few years depending on how you care.

    • DO NOT WATER. They do not need water. Sprinkling water or perfume can cause damage.
    • Should not be kept in high moisture area or very dry place.
    • Avoid contact with direct sunlight to prevent discoloration or fading.
    • Blow with hair dryer from a moderate distance when dusty.