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Have a beary good day with our crystal resin bear, it's an awesome piece to brighten your living room / bedroom / office space.



Gold Rutile 钛晶 - Gold rutile can be placed at home or office to protect and attract wealth and luck 钛晶可以摆放在客厅明财位处,给人带来无限的好运和财运

Rose Quartz 粉晶 - Put rose quartz in the bedroom to promote love/marriage 粉晶放在房间里促进情感的融合,有助招来异性缘,促进姻缘

Obsidian 黑耀石 - It protects your home from negative energies and build positive vibes at your home entrance 黑曜石的能量非常强大,可以保平安的功效,可以放在玄关处,也可以镇宅,辟邪挡灾,不好的東西就不敢接近了

Green Aventurine 东陵石 - boosts immunity, protects from bad luck & evil energy, increase physical strength, reduce depression & mental stress. 增强免疫力, 辟邪转运, 舒缓压力, 缓解心肺系统的疾病, 调节情绪

Amazonite 天河石 - Meditation Stress Stones, Relaxation Crystal for Men Women Kids. Keep in the bedroom, where it can give you a restful night’s sleep. 将天河石放在房间内可以平静磁场可以帮助失眠者和容易做噩梦的人睡好觉。

Super7 超七 - The Dull-Looking Crystal is an all-round crystal that brings good luck to the body and mind. 它是為身心帶來好運的全方位水晶


Approx Size: ø12cm x h12cm

* Gold Rutile as picture shown 


*Please remember fill up your billing address information on payment page, so we can contact you if the flowers is not available.

Crystal Resin Bear Round Dome (Rose)
